Having never experienced any formal gym training, starting from scratch with Crossfit was an intimidating prospect. Being initially dragged by my brother to CrossFit 12-12-12, I’m grateful to be a member today. When I first joined, I was the epitome of physical weakness; I struggled to lift the lightest weight, could barely run a few meters and even fainted trying to complete the warm up. Most would declare hopelessness and walk away, but how could I when there was only encouragement from every member? I remember persons leaving their workout to help me with my form and stay to make sure I performed correctly.
To this day, for every workout, there is unending support and cheers of encouragement until the last person can finish. No one finishes alone. The trainers are all incredibly supportive and observant to the individual needs of each patron. The atmosphere is the best aspect to me though. On entry, what struck me since my first experience was the sign on the door stating “leave ego at the door” and so said, so done. There is no judgement, or scrutiny from anyone based on how much you can lift. Members focus on their own goals but celebrate the personal achievements of everyone else, no matter how small. I have made great strides since my humble beginnings and continue to learn and improve. I learnt determination and know now that I’m stronger than I thought. I am glad to be a part of the CrossFit 12-12-12 family.
– Steffi Spencer