Teams of TWO Persons do the following:
WOD 1:
10 Minute AMRAP:
20 KBS (45lb W; 55 lb M)
30 M Weighted Walk (25 M)
50 M Sprint
Stair Climb (89 Steps)
50 M Sprint
30 M Weighted Walk
Tag your Partner who then starts with the Kettle Bell Swings…
Count your Rounds.
WOD 2:
One partner does Overhead Lunges with the 25 lb plate for a 30 M Distance whilst the other one runs Shuttles. When the partner gets to the end of the 30 M she tags her next partner who begins to do the Overhead Lunges while she begins her Shuttle Runs. Count the number of Lunges completed.
WOD 3:
21 -15 -9 For Time
First partner starts with:
21 Over Head Squats with 25 lb plate
15 KBS (45 lb W; 55 lb M)
9 Right hand KB Press; 9 Left Hand KB Press
60 M Sprint
Then tags Partner who completes the same movements.