Warm Up:
3 Rounds of : 20 Sit Ups & 100 Skips/ 50 Double Unders
8 rounds of Wall Ball Shots (14 lb W; 20 lb M) – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds active rest between each round jogging on the spot with the ball
8 rounds of Push Ups– 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds active rest between each round by holding the plank position
8 rounds of Mountain Climbers – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds active rest between each round by holding the plank position
8 rounds of Air Squats – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds active rest between each round by jogging on the spot
8 rounds of Double Unders – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds active rest between each round by jogging on the spot