After 2 days of loads of Squats the athletes begged for no more squats and upper body today. Let it not be said that we dob’t aim to satisfy. So with that we give to you:
1 Minute of:
Samson Stretch
Couch Stretch
Side Lunges
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Weighted Sit Ups 25#
Flutter Kicks
Hollow Rocks
Samson Stretch
Couch Stretch
Side Lunges
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Weighted Sit Ups 25#
Flutter Kicks
Hollow Rocks
Strict Press : 5 x 2
Push Press: 5 x 2
Push Jerk 5: x 1
Push Press: 5 x 2
Push Jerk 5: x 1
21-15-9 Reps For Time :
Power Snatch 85#W; 95#M
Kettle Bell Swings 45#W; 55#M
Pull Ups
Power Snatch 85#W; 95#M
Kettle Bell Swings 45#W; 55#M
Pull Ups