Box Rules FAQs
Box Rules:
In order to ensure that everyone who comes to Rodney’s Revolution 12-12-12 has an enjoyable experience, we’ve established a few Rules of Conduct. Note that if you’re deemed to have breached a Rule you’ll be liable to a 50 Burpee penalty! So here goes:
- Be friendly with other members and introduce yourself. CrossFit is a community and we stick and stay together. Make friends with other members you never know the contacts you can make.
- Support other members. This one flows from the first rule – CrossFit is Community Driven, which means we may train as individuals but we workout as a community. Do not in your haste to finish a WOD push another member out of your way (especially on the steps) or encroach into their floor space. Feel free to clap, support and encourage other members who you see struggling to finish a WOD- even pick them up off of the floor after they’re done! If it’s their first CrossFit class make sure that they ring the PR Bell on the wall.
- Leave your ego at the door. CrossFit humbles everyone – from the top all-star athlete to the beginner. Just aim for progression not perfection. Trying to be perfect and better than everyone else will only leave you frustrated, maybe even to the point of tears.
- Please be on time. 10 minutes early is better than 1 minute late. Arriving early benefits you as our Coaches take their time to ensure that you warm up and are properly coached on proper technique and form for the movements you need to do in the WOD. If you’re late you’re missing some vital information!
- Injuries. That early arrival could also be used to tell the Coach if you have any injuries that may prevent you from doing the WOD Rx. With that information the Coach can scale the WOD to your needs. Eliminate unnecessary injuries or aggravating of injuries by listening to your Coaches and always follow Technique, Consistency and Intensity. If you’re in pain during the WOD, tell the Coach. Don’t be a hero – don’t do stupid things and don’t ignore the pain (which is different to fatigue).
- Respect the coach and listen while the coach is going over points of performance. If you’re a seasoned CrossFitter and don’t think you need the instruction on points of performance and technique then why does your form still waiver through the WOD? No one’s form is perfect enough, not even the coaches’. Virtuosity is the goal. Do not talk when the coach is talking and move with the group when the coach instructs. This is distracting, and it interferes with time management and the safety of each member of the class, and it’s just downright annoying.
- If you don’t know or don’t understand, ask. Your Coach is here for you to answer your questions and your concerns.
- Clean up after yourself. If you sweat, bleed, puke etc. of course you can finish the WOD first but please, clean up after yourself.
- Don’t put down- PUT AWAY! Our members view the box as their home and therefore it ought to be treated as such. Once you’re done with the WOD, clean up your gear (towels, clothes, tape), put away your weights, hang jump ropes over the wall, throw away empty water bottles and put any unused chalk back into the bucket.
- Respect our equipment. Please don’t drop the weights unless it’s a last resort. Sure the weights are heavy, but they are not made to be slammed or dropped on the ground. Please guide the weights down instead of dropping them. If you are dropping every other rep of Fran you’re probably using too much weight. Control the load, don’t let the load control you. NEVER drop an empty barbell. Our equipment was expensive, and the more we have to replace, the more we have to charge you.
- Chalk Addicts (you know who you are
. Chalk can be very messy. Chalk was made to use with lifts, not for push ups, burpees, sit ups etc. Ask a coach what chalk is used for and they will inform you and guide you.
- Tell us. If you notice that equipment is broken, lights are out, there’s no toilet paper, bring it to our attention so we can do something about it.
- Time Cap on the WOD. Time caps will keep you from over-training. A high per cent of WODs will have time limits. There’s a science behind the programming, so don’t try to mess with it. If your strength has a 20-minute cap or the grind has a 40-minute cap, get focused, committed and go all out to get it done!
- Positive attitude and talk. Attitude and effort earn respect. Work hard. Don’t drag people down with negativity. Be optimistic, have fun and push yourself and those around you to do better. When you are done with your WOD cheer others on or use your intuition if they need to be in their own zone.
- I CAN! If you think you can or can’t, you’re right. Stop saying “I can’t”. You won’t know until you try. And if you try and you fail then that gives you a goal to work towards achieving. When you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. Push your limits and keep pushing them.
- Don’t cheat. You only cheat yourself if you don’t do the number of reps you’re supposed to do. Don’t lie about your score and how many reps you’ve completed. Be honest with everyone else, and be honest with yourself. You know what full range of motion is, so there’s no excuse for consecutive poor reps. If someone calls you out for doing something wrong, listen to him or her. The person standing around watching you work out has a much better perspective on what you’re doing than you do. If you see someone doing something that you’re pretty sure will hurt them, be assertive and ask them stop and correct their form or tell the Coach and let him correct it. It does not matter who it is. If anyone is deadlifting with a rounded back, you should call him or her out! Safety first!
- Learn how to count (this one’s tough for us with dyscalculia). If you lose count, start from your last remembered rep. If you know you have trouble keeping count, ask someone to count for you or tally it on the whiteboard or floor with chalk.
- Showing up is the hardest part. For beginners, make sure you’re staying consistent. For veterans, don’t start thinking that it’s okay to just do your own thing whenever you want to. There’s a myriad of reasons we have class. For starters, you’re less likely to bias yourself towards the things you’re good at; you’ll get some competition; and no matter how experienced you are, you still need coaching and you can still stand to work on the basics and work on your goats. If you have extra things you’re working on, there are special times right before or after class to work on them.
- Eat Well. Keep food intake to levels that will support exercise and not body fat. We generally follow the Zone and Paleo here at Rodney’s Revolution 12-12-12. Again ask your Coach for more information on either. Do NOT starve yourself – this is unsafe and unhealthy. Remember Fitness is a good ratio of 70 per cent how you eat and 30 per cent how you work out.
- HAVE FUN! While we’re serious about our training and our WODs we want everyone to have fun in the process and enjoy our classes and our Community as much as we do. We enjoy a laugh as much as the next guy! GET HEALTHY, BE FIT, and HAVE FUN!